Our Federal Leaders:
Lord, please give them divine wisdom to lead our country. We pray they will serve and revere You in their words and actions. We ask that You grant them grace to know how to unify our country.
Our State and Local Leaders:
Lord, grant these leaders the grace to face their unique challenges. Give them insight into the needs of their communities and discernment to lead.
The Election:
Lord, we are confident that You sovereignly place every leader and that You have marked the days for which You use them for Your purposes. By Your mighty hand we pray that You would be merciful to our nation to work in the hearts of those to whom You give authority. We pray for peace and unity. We pray for our leaders to protect our freedom so that we might live out our faith freely without fear. We pray for the salvation of all our nation, state, and local leaders that they may know You. Place people in power who revere You and will serve You for the good of their communities.